NDNS are an approved attendant care provider for icare. Icare is a program made up of Six schemes that are committed to delivering better cover, treatment and care to the people of NSW, supporting their long-term care needs to improve quality of life, including helping people return to work.
Under this program NDNS provides:
- icare dust diseases care: Providing treatment and compensation for injured workers with a dust disease
General Enquiries
Operating hours: 9am to 5pm
Ph: (02) 8223 6600
Toll Free: 1800 550 027
Fax: (02) 9279 1520
Email: DDAenquiries@icare.nsw.gov.au
- icare lifetime care: Providing treatment and care for people who are severely injured in a NSW motor accident through the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme
All enquiries for Lifetime Care
Operating hours: 9am to 5pm
Ph: 1300 738 586
Fax: 1300 738 583
All enquiries for Workers Care Program
Operating hours: 9am to 5pm
Ph: 1300 738 586
Fax: 1300 738 583
Email: enquiries.workers-care
Lifetime Care and Support to support participants living at home and in their community.
If you've been severely injured in a motor accident in NSW from 1 October 2006 (for children under 16) or from 1 October 2007 (for adults), you may be eligible for the Scheme.
'Severely injured' can include:
- traumatic brain injury
- spinal cord injury
- amputations
- burns
- permanent blindness.
To be eligible, you must meet specific criteria for both the injury and the motor accident. The criteria is outlined on the Lifetime Care and Support website - http://www.lifetimecare.nsw.gov.au/
The hospital in most cases will process your referral and assist to into the scheme. If you have already left hospital and think you may be eligible for the Scheme, you can Lifetime Care and Support on 1300 738 586 to find out more information about eligibility and how we can help you apply.
Through this scheme NDNS offer services:
- personal care (like bathing and getting dressed)
- domestic services (like cleaning and lawn mowing)
- home nursing (like managing medicines and other medical needs at home)
- supporting the participant to return to their family and community lives (like shopping for and preparing meals or support to attend activities)
- implementing rehabilitation programs (like support to attend appointments and carry out home programs).
To receive attendant care services, participants should first contact their Lifetime Care and Support Case Manager.
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